// Copyright contributors to the IBM Security Verify Privacy SDK
// for JavaScript project
* The assessment decision object for a specific request item
* @typedef {Object} AssessmentDecision
* @property {string} attributeId The attribute identifier is only included
* if the request doesn't specify an attribute to be assessed.
* @property {boolean} approved Indicates if the request has been approved
* @property {boolean} requiresConsent Indicates if user consent is required.
* This does not imply that an existing consent is positive if this value
* is set to false.
* @property {VerifyError} reason If "approved" is false, the details
* of the denial
* The assessment object for a specific request item
* @typedef {Object} Assessment
* @property {string} purposeId The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy
* purpose or EULA configured on Verify.
* @property {string} accessTypeId The access type ID representing one of the
* available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured
* for the purpose and optionally the attribute.
* @property {string} attributeId The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the
* attributes for the purpose.
* @property {string} attributeValue The attribute value provided in the
* request.
* @property {AssessmentDecision[]} result The assessment decision objects. This
* might contain more than one object if the request does not include a
* specific attribute. In this case, the result contains the corresponding
* <code>attributeId</code>.
* The assessment response object
* @typedef {Object} WrappedAssessment
* @property {string} status The overall assessment status is computed based on
* the contents of the assessment.
* <br><code>approved</code> - all items are approved
* <br><code>consent</code> - some or all items require consent
* <br><code>multistatus</code> - none of the items require consent but some
* items are approved and others are denied because of user action (opt-out)
* or policy rule <br><code>denied</code> - approval is denied for all items
* <br><code>error</code> - invalid request or system error
* @property {Assessment[]} assessment The assessment details for each requested
* item
* @property {VerifyError} error The error details if the status is "error"
* The consent record
* @typedef {Object} Consent
* @property {string} purposeId The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy
* purpose or EULA configured on Verify.
* @property {string} accessTypeId The access type ID representing one of the
* available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured
* for the purpose and optionally the attribute.
* @property {string} attributeId The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the
* attributes for the purpose.
* @property {string} attributeValue The attribute value for the attribute.
* This is typically used when the user has more than one value for the
* attribute and is consenting to a specific value.
* @property {number} startTime The time since Epoch (in seconds) that
* indicates when the consent becomes active.
* @property {number} endTime The time since Epoch (in seconds) that indicates
* when the consent elapses.
* @property {boolean} isGlobal Indicates if the consent applies to all
* applications
* @property {number} status This is the status of the consent and can be
* one of -
* <br><code>1</code> - Active
* <br><code>2</code> - Expired
* <br><code>3</code> - Inactive
* <br><code>8</code> - New consent required
* @property {ConsentTypesEnum} state This is the consent type provided by the
* user
* @property {string} geoIP This is the IP address where the user consents
* @property {Array} customAttributes This is a list of optional attributes.
* Object type within the array is
* <code>{ "name": "somekey", "value": "somevalue" }</code>
* The consent metadata record
* @typedef {Object} MetadataRecord
* @property {string} purposeId The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy
* purpose or EULA configured on Verify.
* @property {string} purposeName The purpose or EULA name
* @property {string} accessTypeId The access type ID representing one of the
* available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured
* for the purpose and optionally the attribute.
* @property {string} accessType The access type name
* @property {string} attributeId The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the
* attributes for the purpose.
* @property {string} attributeName The attribute name
* @property {string} attributeValue The attribute value in the consent record.
* @property {number} defaultConsentDuration The default duration configured for
* the user consent. This applies if no explicit start and end time is provided.
* @property {boolean} assentUIDefault Indicates if the consent prompt should
* default the selection to "accepted"
* @property {ConsentDisplayTypesEnum} consentType Indicates the type of consent
* that needs to be collected and stored. If the value is
* <code>ConsentDisplayTypes.DO_NOT_SHOW<code>, do not show a consent request
* to the user.
* @property {string} termsOfUseRef The terms of use if this record references
* a EULA.
* @property {string} status The current status of consent. This can be one of -
* <br><code>NONE</code> - No consent
* <br><code>ACTIVE</code> - An active consent record exists. However, the
* consent may not translate to "yes".
* <br><code>NOT_ACTIVE</code> - A user consent record exists but the start
* time is in the future.
* <br><code>EXPIRED</code> - A user consent record exists but it is no longer
* valid. This may be due to a new privacy rule or a change in configuration or
* the consent has lapsed.
* @property {Consent} consent The user consent record that may or may not
* be active.
* The consent metadata object that contains records based on the request
* @typedef {Object} Metadata
* @property {Array.<MetadataRecord>} eula The metadata records related
* to the EULA category
* @property {Array.<MetadataRecord>} default The metadata records related
* to the default purpose-aware attribute category
* The consent metadata response object
* @typedef {Object} WrappedMetadata
* @property {string} status The overall metadata status is computed based
* on whether the data was received or not.
* <br><code>done</code> - the metadata is retrieved
* <br><code>error</code> - invalid request or system error
* @property {Metadata} metadata The metadata for rendering a consent page
* @property {VerifyError} error The error details if the status is "error"
* The response object for <code>getUserConsents</code>
* @typedef {Object} WrappedGetUserConsents
* @property {string} status The overall status is computed based on whether
* the data was received or not.
* <br><code>done</code> - the consents are retrieved
* <br><code>error</code> - invalid request or system error
* @property {Consent[]} consents The list of consents
* @property {VerifyError} error The error details if the status is "error"
* The consent operation result
* @typedef {Object} ConsentOpResultValue
* @property {string} id The consent record identifier
* @property {string} purposeId The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy
* purpose or EULA configured on Verify.
* @property {string} accessTypeId The access type ID representing one of the
* available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured
* for the purpose and optionally the attribute.
* @property {string} attributeId The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the
* attributes for the purpose.
* @property {string} attributeValue The attribute value for the attribute.
* This is typically used when the user has more than one value for the
* attribute and is consenting to a specific value.
* @property {ConsentTypesEnum} state This is the consent type provided by the
* user.
* The consent operation result
* @typedef {Object} ConsentOpResult
* @property {string} result The result of the operation can be
* <code>success</code> or <code>failure</code>
* @property {ConsentOpResultValue} value The consent storage request record
* @property {string} error The error if the result is <code>failure<code>
* The response object for <code>storeUserConsents</code>
* @typedef {Object} WrappedStoreUserConsents
* @property {string} status The overall status is computed based on whether
* the data was received or not.
* <br><code>success</code> - the consents have been saved successfully
* <br><code>fail</code> - some or all consents could not be saved.
* Check <code>results</code> for the reason
* <br><code>error</code> - invalid request or system error
* @property {ConsentOpResult[]} results The results of consent operation.
* This should be consulted when the status is <code>fail</code>
* @property {VerifyError} error The error details if the status is "error"
* Enumeration of different possible consent display types
* @typedef {number} ConsentDisplayTypesEnum
* @property {number} DO_NOT_SHOW No consent needs to be collected or recorded
* and do not show the user the request.
* @property {number} TRANSPARENT User is shown the consent record but cannot
* choose to deny. Set <code>ConsentTypes.TRANSPARENT</code> as the consent
* state.
* @property {number} OPTIN_OR_OUT User has to opt-in or opt-out. If the user
* approves of the consent request, use <code>ConsentTypes.OPTIN</code>. If the
* user denies, use <code>ConsentTypes.OPTOUT</code>.
* @property {number} ALLOW_OR_DENY User has to allow or deny. If the user
* approves of the consent request, use <code>ConsentTypes.ALLOW</code>. If the
* user denies, use <code>ConsentTypes.DENY</code>.
* Enumeration of different possible consent types
* @typedef {number} ConsentTypesEnum
* @property {number} ALLOW Usual consent that is not governed by any
* regulation. This is the consent type expected if the user chose to
* approve the request and the consent display type returned by
* <code>getConsentMetadata</code> is
* <code>ConsentDisplayTypes.ALLOW_OR_DENY</code>.
* @property {number} DENY Usual consent that is not governed by any regulation.
* This is the consent type expected if the user chose to not approve the
* request and the consent display type returned by
* <code>getConsentMetadata</code> is
* <code>ConsentDisplayTypes.ALLOW_OR_DENY</code>.
* @property {number} OPTIN Opt-in required based on the assessment.
* This is the consent type expected if the user chose to
* approve the request and the consent display type returned by
* <code>getConsentMetadata</code> is
* <code>ConsentDisplayTypes.OPTIN_OR_OUT</code>.
* @property {number} OPTOUT Opt-out required based on the assessment. This is
* the consent type expected if the user chose to not approve the request
* and the consent display type returned by
* <code>getConsentMetadata</code> is
* <code>ConsentDisplayTypes.OPTIN_OR_OUT</code>.
* @property {number} TRANSPARENT User opted to implicitly consent. This is the
* consent type expected when the consent display type returned by
* <code>getConsentMetadata</code> is
* <code>ConsentDisplayTypes.TRANSPARENT</code>.