
Type Definitions


The assessment object for a specific request item

Name Type Description
purposeId string

The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy purpose or EULA configured on Verify.

accessTypeId string

The access type ID representing one of the available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured for the purpose and optionally the attribute.

attributeId string

The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the attributes for the purpose.

attributeValue string

The attribute value provided in the request.

result Array.<AssessmentDecision>

The assessment decision objects. This might contain more than one object if the request does not include a specific attribute. In this case, the result contains the corresponding attributeId.



The assessment decision object for a specific request item

Name Type Description
attributeId string

The attribute identifier is only included if the request doesn't specify an attribute to be assessed.

approved boolean

Indicates if the request has been approved

requiresConsent boolean

Indicates if user consent is required. This does not imply that an existing consent is positive if this value is set to false.

reason VerifyError

If "approved" is false, the details of the denial


The consent record

Name Type Description
purposeId string

The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy purpose or EULA configured on Verify.

accessTypeId string

The access type ID representing one of the available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured for the purpose and optionally the attribute.

attributeId string

The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the attributes for the purpose.

attributeValue string

The attribute value for the attribute. This is typically used when the user has more than one value for the attribute and is consenting to a specific value.

startTime number

The time since Epoch (in seconds) that indicates when the consent becomes active.

endTime number

The time since Epoch (in seconds) that indicates when the consent elapses.

isGlobal boolean

Indicates if the consent applies to all applications

status number

This is the status of the consent and can be one of -
1 - Active
2 - Expired
3 - Inactive
8 - New consent required

state ConsentTypesEnum

This is the consent type provided by the user

geoIP string

This is the IP address where the user consents

customAttributes Array

This is a list of optional attributes. Object type within the array is { "name": "somekey", "value": "somevalue" }



Enumeration of different possible consent display types

Name Type Description
DO_NOT_SHOW number

No consent needs to be collected or recorded and do not show the user the request.


User is shown the consent record but cannot choose to deny. Set ConsentTypes.TRANSPARENT as the consent state.


User has to opt-in or opt-out. If the user approves of the consent request, use ConsentTypes.OPTIN. If the user denies, use ConsentTypes.OPTOUT.


User has to allow or deny. If the user approves of the consent request, use ConsentTypes.ALLOW. If the user denies, use ConsentTypes.DENY.



The consent operation result

Name Type Description
result string

The result of the operation can be success or failure

value ConsentOpResultValue

The consent storage request record

error string

The error if the result is failure



The consent operation result

Name Type Description
id string

The consent record identifier

purposeId string

The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy purpose or EULA configured on Verify.

accessTypeId string

The access type ID representing one of the available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured for the purpose and optionally the attribute.

attributeId string

The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the attributes for the purpose.

attributeValue string

The attribute value for the attribute. This is typically used when the user has more than one value for the attribute and is consenting to a specific value.

state ConsentTypesEnum

This is the consent type provided by the user.



Enumeration of different possible consent types

Name Type Description
ALLOW number

Usual consent that is not governed by any regulation. This is the consent type expected if the user chose to approve the request and the consent display type returned by getConsentMetadata is ConsentDisplayTypes.ALLOW_OR_DENY.

DENY number

Usual consent that is not governed by any regulation. This is the consent type expected if the user chose to not approve the request and the consent display type returned by getConsentMetadata is ConsentDisplayTypes.ALLOW_OR_DENY.

OPTIN number

Opt-in required based on the assessment. This is the consent type expected if the user chose to approve the request and the consent display type returned by getConsentMetadata is ConsentDisplayTypes.OPTIN_OR_OUT.

OPTOUT number

Opt-out required based on the assessment. This is the consent type expected if the user chose to not approve the request and the consent display type returned by getConsentMetadata is ConsentDisplayTypes.OPTIN_OR_OUT.


User opted to implicitly consent. This is the consent type expected when the consent display type returned by getConsentMetadata is ConsentDisplayTypes.TRANSPARENT.



The consent metadata object that contains records based on the request

Name Type Description
eula Array.<MetadataRecord>

The metadata records related to the EULA category

default Array.<MetadataRecord>

The metadata records related to the default purpose-aware attribute category



The consent metadata record

Name Type Description
purposeId string

The purpose or EULA ID representing the privacy purpose or EULA configured on Verify.

purposeName string

The purpose or EULA name

accessTypeId string

The access type ID representing one of the available access types on Verify. This is one of the access types configured for the purpose and optionally the attribute.

accessType string

The access type name

attributeId string

The attribute ID on Verify. This is one of the attributes for the purpose.

attributeName string

The attribute name

attributeValue string

The attribute value in the consent record.

defaultConsentDuration number

The default duration configured for the user consent. This applies if no explicit start and end time is provided.

assentUIDefault boolean

Indicates if the consent prompt should default the selection to "accepted"

consentType ConsentDisplayTypesEnum

Indicates the type of consent that needs to be collected and stored. If the value is ConsentDisplayTypes.DO_NOT_SHOW, do not show a consent request to the user.

termsOfUseRef string

The terms of use if this record references a EULA.

status string

The current status of consent. This can be one of -
NONE - No consent
ACTIVE - An active consent record exists. However, the consent may not translate to "yes".
NOT_ACTIVE - A user consent record exists but the start time is in the future.
EXPIRED - A user consent record exists but it is no longer valid. This may be due to a new privacy rule or a change in configuration or the consent has lapsed.

consent Consent

The user consent record that may or may not be active.



The standard error response type

Name Type Description
messageId string

Error code

messageDescription string

Localized description of the error



The assessment response object

Name Type Description
status string

The overall assessment status is computed based on the contents of the assessment.
approved - all items are approved
consent - some or all items require consent
multistatus - none of the items require consent but some items are approved and others are denied because of user action (opt-out) or policy rule
denied - approval is denied for all items
error - invalid request or system error

assessment Array.<Assessment>

The assessment details for each requested item

error VerifyError

The error details if the status is "error"



The response object for getUserConsents

Name Type Description
status string

The overall status is computed based on whether the data was received or not.
done - the consents are retrieved
error - invalid request or system error

consents Array.<Consent>

The list of consents

error VerifyError

The error details if the status is "error"



The consent metadata response object

Name Type Description
status string

The overall metadata status is computed based on whether the data was received or not.
done - the metadata is retrieved
error - invalid request or system error

metadata Metadata

The metadata for rendering a consent page

error VerifyError

The error details if the status is "error"



The response object for storeUserConsents

Name Type Description
status string

The overall status is computed based on whether the data was received or not.
success - the consents have been saved successfully
fail - some or all consents could not be saved. Check results for the reason
error - invalid request or system error

results Array.<ConsentOpResult>

The results of consent operation. This should be consulted when the status is fail

error VerifyError

The error details if the status is "error"
